Redeemer's Events



"Remarkably Bright Creatures" written by Shelby Van Pelt.

Book Club.pngIt's October and that means Halloween, the most wonderful time of the year.  Once again we will be getting together at Jan Strojny's house on Tuesday, October 29th at 7 p.m.  In the past, we have read and talked about hauntings, ghosts, seances, witches, monsters and even a demonic puppet.  It's hard to beat the creep factor of that puppet.  Surely some of the club had some disturbed nights sleeping.  So, this year the chosen book is a bit fantasy and very lighthearted with a touch of humor.  Hope you enjoy reading "Remarkably Bright Creatures" written by Shelby Van Pelt.

Costumes as usual are optional.



“Before We Were Innocent” by Ella Berman. 

Ten years ago, after a sun-soaked summer spent in Greece, best friends Bess and Joni were cleared of having any involvement in their friend Evangeline’s death. But that didn’t stop the media from ripping apart their teenage lives like vultures.

While the girls were never convicted, Joni, ever the opportunist, capitalized on her newfound infamy to become a motivational speaker. Bess, on the other hand, resolved to make her life as small and controlled as possible so she wouldn’t risk losing everything all over again. And it almost worked. . . .


Join Deb Nowlan on Monday, November 18 for discussion and refreshments.

Women's Club

Women's Group.pngWe sincerely thank Winnie French for leading the women’s group in many fund raisers and hands~on events for numerous years. As she takes a step out of the leadership role, we would like to see someone else take up her position. If you are interested, please contact the church

The Redeemer's website is maintained by Jerry Marquardt

Free Little Pantry:

Please continue to donate graciously!

  1. Fall is here and with the cooler temperatures, the pantry looks for donations of soups, oatmeal, hot chocolate, chili, etc.. We also accept scarves, gloves, hats and sox.

Also, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and we will be looking for donations for our family meal giveaway; stuffing, gravy, pumpkin, etc. More to follow as we grow closer to the event.

Thank you to those of you who continue to support the pantry. As you sit down to your meals each day, remember there are those that come to the pantry looking to feed their family.


Isaiah 58:7 Share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless into your house.


Blessings to you.


Hi..PANTRY NEEDS this week. Help out if you can!

  • Oatmeal
  • Taco shells
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Canned Fruit

Thank you!

Lessons from hiking

Whether I’m hiking an easier stroll or a 20-mile trek, I’ve noticed parallels to my journey with Christ.

  • This is my journey. Too often I waste time comparing my stride, pace or equipment to that of fellow hikers.
  • I don’t know what’s around each bend, but God does. I can’t let anxiety steal my joy.
  • It’s best to balance hiking in silence with sharing the trail with friends.
  • I’ll be sore tomorrow, and that’s okay. Engaging new muscles leaves a reminder that growth is uncomfortable.
  • Being prepared is good; being too prepared makes for a heavy backpack. I need to do my due diligence and let God handle the rest.
  • It’s not a race, so finishing quickly offers no reward. When I’m not in a hurry, I tend to notice more of God’s blessings.
  • I need to look up, enjoying God’s creation as I let him determine my steps.

—Janna Firestone



So, recently, I was looking through the book of Proverbs. It's very thoughtful and full of wisdom. Some of my favorite nuggets of wisdom are:

Fall Flowers '24.jpg

You do yourself a favor when you are kind. If you are cruel, you only hurt yourself.
The more you talk, the more likely you are to sin. If you are wise, you will keep quiet.
A lie has a short life but truth lives on forever.
Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit.
Long life is the reward of the righteous; gray hair is a glorious crown.
Gold and silver are tested by fire, and a person's heart is tested by the Lord.

So after reading these, I decided to make my own.

Time with friends is the best time of all. Enjoy the little things --- after all, there are so many of them.
Have a good day ---- every day!

Happy people are those who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.
Kindness like a boomerang, always returns. Worry doesn't accomplish anything --- except ulcers.
Laughter is like a blessing that tickles from the inside out.

Your turn, make some proverbs of your own.
Until next month --------------nice chatting with you. Jan Strojny


With Erica is Grandparents Mick & Jan Strojny and Pastor Flessen.jpg
With Erica is Grandparents Mick & Jan Strojny and Pastor Flessen

Erica Strojny, recently had to do a
presentation at Argonne National Laboratories
for her summer internship. She designed her
poster and included all the testing and research
that her team did on ”Lithium Ion Battery

Welcome to Redeemer's Connected

Redeemer's Connected will start up again in the future.  We are looking into virtual meetings as well as possibly in-person meetings. As we draw closer, we will announce dates and times. Stay tuned...

Bat in counting room.jpgWe recently had a visitor to the counting room. This bat eluded capture for a while, but Gary Miller came to our rescue. Equipped with a pail and disinfectant, he courageously opened a window to send our furry friend on its way. Many thanks for saving us!



  • October  6 Judy Carver
  • October  7 Alec Ogarek
  • October  9 Tom DeLeeuw
    Natalie Caswick
  • October 17 Deb Frawley
  • October 26 Deb Animagi


  • November    1  Jerry Marquardt
  • November    7  Mike Ellul
  • November    8  Sten Hult
  • November  13  Nancy Ulloa
  • November  14  Charlotte Grossi
  • November  19  Dominick Grossi
  • November  24  Fern Schara

Save the Date:


  • August        4   Outdoor worship


  • September  1   Outdoor worship
  • September  2   Happy Labor Day



  • October   2  Peter & Deb Animagi
  • October 11  Wayne & Bonnie Trella
  • October 14  Mick & Jan Strojny


  • November   3  Terry & Linda McHugh
  • November   6  Robert & Gina Graniczny
  • November   8  Frank & Erin Caswick
  • November 19  Traci & Mike Stephens
  • November 30  Bill & Deb Cummens



  • August   4  Deb Frawley
  • August 11  Gary Rickert
  • August 18  Art James
  • August 25  Alec Ogarek


  • September  1   Dan Frawley
  • September  8   Bob Hecht
  • September 15  Jerry Marquardt
  • September 22  Erica Strojny
  • September 29  Deb Nowlan

Altar flowers

Altar Flowers.jpg



Flower Autumn 1.jpg

  • October   6 Gramma Nancy in celebration of Natalie Caswick’s 13th birthday
  • October 13 Mick & Jan Strojny  in celebration of anniversary #52!
  • October 20 Winnie French celebrating family birthdays!
  • October 27 Ida Mae & Pam Walsh celebrating the grand kids’ birthdays!




Flower Autumn 2.jpg

  • November    3 Jerry Marquardt in celebration of his 61st birthday.
  • November  10 The Schoenbecks in loving memory of John Riordan.
  • November  17 The Frawleys in loving memory of Don, Lu and Mandy.
  • November  24 In celebration of Fern Schara’s birthday!


Upcoming Events