Save the Date:
- All of February Epiphany Continues
- 'Til Mar 2 Epiphany Continues
- March 5 Ash Wenesday
- Mar 9-30 Lent Continues, Fellowship after worship throughout in the Narthex Until April 6th
- Feb 7, Abigail Besowshek
- Feb 10, Dan Frawley
- Feb 11, Marilyn Fisher
- Feb 18, Jim Mueller
- Feb 20, Pam Walsh
- Feb 21, Wayne Trella
- Feb 28, Connie Martin
- Feb 28, Sue Hecht
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- Feb 2 still available
- Feb 9 Glen Sheputis, in loving memory of his mom, Dolores
- Feb 16 The Strojnys in loving memory of Dolores
- Feb 23 Darlene Soucek for blessings received
- Mar 11, Joan Coyle
- Mar 12, Diane Hein
- Mar 14, Joshua Carver
- Mar 17, Pat Kropack/ Dorothy Kropack
- Mar 22, Tyler Pellegrino
- Mar 23, Patti Schoenbeck/ Tony Ogarek
- Mar 27, Jim Thrun
- Mar 31, Ray White
- Mar 18, Jim & Sophie Mueller
- Mar 19, Ray & Deb Majewski
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- Mar 2 still available
- Mar 9 The Nowlans for blessings received
- Mar 16 Jim & Sophie Mueller who are thankful for 65 years of anniversary blessings!
- Mar 23 Jerry Besowshek in celebration of Kim’s birthday!!
- Mar 30 still available
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- Feb 2 Drew Ogarek
- Feb 9 Art James
- Feb 16 Steve Nowlan
- Feb 23 Gary Rickert
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- Mar 2 Tony Ogarek
- Mar 9 Dan Frawley
- Mar 16 Deb Nowlan
- Mar 23 Alec Ogarek
- Mar 30 Jerry Marquardt
Updated per newsletter.
So, recently I received notice of the passing of a very dear friend. She was 90+ years old and didn't get out as much as she liked. She counted on visits from friends. My first thought was "I'm glad I got to visit her." My second thought was "Oh dear, that visit was last March." And then my thoughts went to regrets. How many Christmas cards did I send this past season with the usual "We have to get together." I checked and it was seven cards. I put my phone number in each because I don't have phone numbers for these friends so technically, the ball's in their court but still, I regret not keeping in better touch.
Frank Sinatra did it his way and said he had regrets but too few to mention. I'm afraid I have regrets but not enough time to enumerate all of them. For example, I have the usual regrets of not finishing school or outgrowing my body which is a nice way of saying I could lose a few pounds. I regret having big ears (and I know you will be checking on them) but short of having plastic surgery, there's not much I can do with them.
I regret not finishing War and Peace but Dr. Zhivago came out with fewer pages and then the movie had such beautiful music.
I regret not paying more attention growing up. My maternal grandfather told the best stories about the ragman and the iceman. He told about the guy who came around and sharpen your knives and the pie truck. Are you kidding me??!! A Baker's Square truck that came right to your house! My paternal grandfather was a fireman but he was also the baker of the family (totally not connected to said pie truck). He made the best bread and his fruit coffee cakes were to die for. Now I made sure to be there on baking day but never paid attention to how his pastry delights were made.
As often as I drive down Oak Park Avenue, I pass the roller rink
and remember the days I was on the skate team at Fleetwood Rink and I regret hanging up my skates. Then again, I suppose I could rent a pair but my family has already given the "you better not" sign, something about falling and breaking a leg. zzsssh! But my biggest regret is never hopping on a pogo stick. That looks like a lot of fun but I get the feeling the family would put the kabosh on that too.
So my list could go on for pages but it's all spilt milk at this point. I can't live in regrets, I can only move forward and not add any. I can only try to do better especially when it comes to staying in touch. I can only encourage you to also put your regrets on the back burner and rather create new memories that you'll want to remember for the rest of your lifetime.
Til next month-------------------nice chatting with you
Jan Strojny
After The Holidays:
- For all those that helped take down the Christmas decorations. To the Ogarek’s for hosting this year’s Christmas Party.
For those participating in worship this past Christmas season.
THRIVENT MEMBERS Please contact Deb Frawley or Marilyn Fisher to find out how you can help the Pantry and/ or church out financially!
Kindness kickbacks
Random Acts of Kindness Day, observed each year on February 17, is a reminder of the power of altruism. Followers of Jesus express kindness selflessly, out of love for God and our neighbors. Yet in return, we reap emotional — and even physical — benefits.
Researchers have identified a “helper’s high” that can ease anxiety and depression. Spontaneous or planned acts of “pro-social spending” have been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve heart health, reduce pain and even extend longevity.
For maximum impact, experts recommend getting creative with random acts of kindness and mixing them up. But no matter how you spread kindness, you’re bound to experience blessings in return!
Free Little Pantry:
Please continue to donate graciously!
Collection for the Easter season will start soon. More will be revealed!
“The generous will be blessed for they share their food with the poor”~ Proverbs
God's blessings on the congregation at Redeemer's, and their families throughout 2025, and wishing a great & prosperous winter into spring!
“Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus
Set in 1960s California, this blockbuster debut is the hilarious, idiosyncratic and uplifting story of a female scientist whose career is constantly derailed by the idea that a woman's place is in the home, only to find herself starring as the host of America's most beloved TV cooking show. Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing as an average woman. But it's the 1960s and despite the fact that she is a scientist, her peers are very unscientific when it comes to equality.
Join Connie Martin as we have lively discussion and refreshments on Tuesday, February 18 at 7pm.
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“Mind Games” by Nora Roberts
As they do each June, the Foxes have driven the winding roads of Appalachia to drop off their children for a two-week stay at their grandmother’s. Here, twelve-year-old Thea can run free and breathe in the smells of pine and fresh bread and Grammie’s handmade candles. But as her parents head back to suburban Virginia, they have no idea they’re about to cross paths with a ticking time bomb.
Back in Kentucky, Thea and her grandmother Lucy both awaken from the same nightmare. And though the two have never discussed the special kind of sight they share, they know as soon as their tearful eyes meet that something terrible has happened.
We will meet March 18, 7pm, at the home of Linda McHugh for refreshments and discussion.
- SUNDAY~ AA 7pm/ NA 7pm every 4th Sunday
- MONDAY~ AA 10:30am/ AA 7:30pm/ NA 7pm
- WEDNESDAY ~AA 10:30am/ OA 7:30pm
- THURSDAY ~TOPS 5:30pm/ NA 7pm
- FRIDAY ~ CANA 2nd Friday/month
- SATURDAY~ NA 10:00am
Crisis Center:
The South Suburban Crisis Center is an ongoing project for the Women’s Group. During these trying times, women and children need help more than ever. Please keep them in your prayers.
Domestic Violence Outreach Services
(Crisis Center for South Suburbia)
- 24-hour hotline~ 708-429-SAFE (7233)
- Live Safe Patient Advocacy
- Law Enforcement Victim Outreach
- Community Education
All services are free and confidential
Join us on Wednesday, March 3 at 7pm for Ash Wednesday worship
Palm Sunday, April 13, 9:30am
Thursday, April 17:
Combined Meal in the Upper Room / Good Friday Worship 7pm
There will be NO worship on Friday, the 18th
Easter: Sunday, April 20: 9:30am
The Resurrection of Our Lord!
Kind Words
Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church,
Thank you for your gift of $300 to help individuals and families escape homelessness this Spring season. As you know, we sheltered in place and followed CDC and State government guidance in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Your support helped us pivot services to keep homeless individuals and families safe at local hotels, as all congregate shelters closed, while continuing to provide essential lifesaving services. Thank You!
Rohit D’Souza,
Philanthropy Manager, PADS
I pray this letter finds you and your congregation hopeful and enjoying the waning weeks of summer during these unprecedented times. As always, thank you for your generous support of the ELCA, the synod, and our shared ministry. The impact that our congregations have in the world is truly amazing! I am proud to be a part of this effort and look forward to working with all of you in finding new, faithful ways to continue this inspiring work of Kingdom Building.
Many blessings of thanks!
Heather Haynes,
Executive Assistant to the Bishop
Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church
Thanks be to God for YOU! Your support through your benevolence and other giving is a blessing.
Please keep Bishop Curry and the MCS staff and all congregations of the synod in your prayers as we continue to press through this new way of being.
In Christ, Heather Haynes (Executive Assistant to the Bishop)
New to Redeemer's? Here are some common questions
You’ll find everything from jeans to casual clothes to business suits at our worship experiences. At Redeener's, we don't care about what you look like or what you wear. We want you to be comfortable.
If you are visiting us for the first time, we will not ask you to stand up or ask you to give money. Many people want to check out a church and “be anonymous” for a while. That's ok by us!
It can be a intimidating visiting a church for the first time. So we will do our best to welcome you. We are dedicated to making sure you feel right at home. We'll answer any questions you have and make sure you get a hot cup of coffee and know exactly where to go.
When you get here, just head straight upstairs (or take the elevator) to our narthex to sign in! Your family is in good hands!
Giving is entirely up to you. If this is your first visit, we don't want you to feel any obligation to give. You are our honored guest. Also, if you start attending regularly, you'll only be expected to give what you feel you should.