Save the Date:
- August 4 Outdoor worship
- September 1 Outdoor worship
- September 2 Happy Labor Day
- August 12 Jan Strojny
- August 12 Carole Burge
- August 14 Donna Calder
- August 27 Andrew Caswick
- August 3 Tim & Donna Calder
- August 23 Ernest & Nancy Ulloa
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- August 4 still available
- August 11 by Jan Strojny who is celebrating another trip around the sun!
- August 18 by Ida Mae Walsh for blessings received.
- August 25 by Nancy Ulloa in celebration of Andrew Caswick’s 16th Birthday!
- September 8 Jim Woolard
- September 8 Kathy James
- September 8 Marilyn Rickert
- September 11 Jennah Kanacki
- September 15 Carol DeVos
- September 15 Max Minnick
- September 22 Deb Majewski
- September 22 Diana Carr
- September 25 Cathy Thrun
- September 29 Georgia Karash
- September 30 Andrew Ogarek
- September 3 Chuck & Fern Schara
- September 6 Tony & Amy Ogarek
- September 8 Gary & Marilyn Rickert
- September 10 Ray & MaryAnn White
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- September 1 by Candy Bihlmeier who is celebrating Brandy & Scott’s 15th anniversary and Pamela & Mike’s 9th anniversary!
- September 8 In celebration of Kathy James birthday!
- September 15 by Sarlene Soucek in celebration of Don & Rob’s birthdays!
- September 22 Georgia Karash for blessings received
- September 29 In celebration of Andrew & Alec’s birthdays and Tony &
Amy’s 38th anniversary!
The altar flowers are available for Sept. 22. Please consider sponsoring one of these dates. The cost is $28 for 2 beautiful bouquets. Sign up on the poster in the Narthex.
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- August 4 Deb Frawley
- August 11 Gary Rickert
- August 18 Art James
- August 25 Alec Ogarek
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- September 1 Dan Frawley
- September 8 Bob Hecht
- September 15 Jerry Marquardt
- September 22 Erica Strojny
- September 29 Deb Nowlan
Updated per newsletter.
So, I have a confession to make. I am an Olympic fanatic! I can't get enough of it. Sure, I probably place the same events as first in my watching as everyone else - gymnastics, volleyball and beach volleyball but I also enjoy some of the more obscure events. This year I was fascinated by table tennis. I mean, come on, I can hardly see the ball in slow motion. I have a "table tennis" table in my basement and we play on it frequently and think we're pretty good and then the Olympics come around and I want to toss my ping pong table to the curb. Maybe it's the name change that has something to do with it. Along the same lines is badminton. How many of us set up a net in the backyard and smacked a birdie back and forth. Change that to a shuttlecock and you have some really tough competition.
Along with watching, I like to find some weird happenings. One thing that bothers me are the divers that come up to the springboard or platform with their soaking wet towels. They wipe off, throw the towel to the ground, do their dive and then pick up the soaking wet towel to dryoff. Huh!? And how about the swimmers that come out to the pool dressed in these long, puffy coats. Everyone in the stands are in shorts and t-shirts but somehow the area right around the water is freezing so hence the need for the big coats. And when their swim is over, they walk away and leave the coats in the boxes. I don't get it.
But the thing I like the best about the Olympics is how much everyone is trying their best and even when they don't medal, they're proud to be there representing their country. They encourage each other in the team events. One beach volleyball team holds hands when changing sides to stay connected. And everyone cheers for each other and the competition. They acknowledge the training and dedication it takes to just get to the Olympics and medaling is a bonus. That's the true nature of the Olympics. Now if only we could get the politicians of our country to take a lesson from these admirable athletes.
Til next month --------------- nice chatting with you Jan Strojny
- Dan Frawley & Gary Rickert for doing maintenance on our front entry stairs.
- Jerry Marquardt for cleaning the carpet in the meeting room downstairs. For your floor care, upholstery, and flood clean up needs, contact Sinal’s Carpet Cleaning at 708-535-2073 and request Jerry.
- For those who have kept up with lawn care and weeding.
- For everyone contributing to the outdoor worship goodies.
Altar flowers: September 22~ flowers are still available
Call or email the office with your request or sign the sheet in the Narthex.
The cost of the flowers is $28 for 2 beautiful bouquets.
THRIVENT MEMBERS Please contact Deb Frawley or Marilyn Fisher to find out how you can help the Pantry and/ or church out financially!
Outdoor Worship:
- June 2 with church picnic after
- July 7
- August 4
- September 8 (Changed date)
- October 6 Cancelled
Free Little Pantry:
Please continue to donate graciously!
Another Update from Marilyn to come soon.
Hi..PANTRY NEEDS Week of 9/1 to 9/8:. Help out if you can!
- Ramen noodles.
- Canned fruit.
- Peanut butter.
- Jelly
- Tuna fish
- Knorr pastas
Thank you!
God's blessings on the congregation at Redeemer's, and their families throughout the end of summer into the fall season, and throughout the rest of 2024!
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Upcoming. . .
In August we will be reading:
“Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter”
by Kate Clifford Larson
Joe and Rose Kennedy’s strikingly beautiful daughter Rosemary was intellectually disabled, a secret fiercely guarded by her powerful and glamorous family. Young Rosemary comes alive as a sweet, lively girl adored by her siblings. Only years later did the Kennedy siblings begin to understand what had happened to Rosemary, which inspired them to direct government attention and resources to the plight of the developmentally and mentally disabled, transforming the lives of millions.
Join Deb Frawley, at her home on Tuesday, August 20 at 7pm for refreshments & discussion
“Time’s Undoing” by Cheryl A. Haed
September~ Will be at the home of Diana Carr. Selection to be determined.
- SUNDAY~ AA 7pm/ NA 7pm every 4th Sunday
- MONDAY~ AA 10:30am/ AA 7:30pm/ NA 7pm
- WEDNESDAY ~AA 10:30am/ OA 7:30pm
- THURSDAY ~TOPS 5:30pm/ NA 7pm
- FRIDAY ~ CANA 2nd Friday/month
- SATURDAY~ NA 10:00am
Crisis Center:
The South Suburban Crisis Center is an ongoing project for the Women’s Group. During these trying times, women and children need help more than ever. Please keep them in your prayers.
Domestic Violence Outreach Services
(Crisis Center for South Suburbia)
- 24-hour hotline~ 708-429-SAFE (7233)
- Live Safe Patient Advocacy
- Law Enforcement Victim Outreach
- Community Education
All services are free and confidential
If you are returning something from Amazon, you can drop it off at Staples, and they will give you a coupon for $10 off of $30. If you get the coupon, and don’t know what to buy with it, please don’t throw it away. The church office could put it to use!! Just drop it on the desk in the office. Thank you in advance for helping out!
Kind Words
Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church,
Thank you for your gift of $300 to help individuals and families escape homelessness this Spring season. As you know, we sheltered in place and followed CDC and State government guidance in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Your support helped us pivot services to keep homeless individuals and families safe at local hotels, as all congregate shelters closed, while continuing to provide essential lifesaving services. Thank You!
Rohit D’Souza,
Philanthropy Manager, PADS
I pray this letter finds you and your congregation hopeful and enjoying the waning weeks of summer during these unprecedented times. As always, thank you for your generous support of the ELCA, the synod, and our shared ministry. The impact that our congregations have in the world is truly amazing! I am proud to be a part of this effort and look forward to working with all of you in finding new, faithful ways to continue this inspiring work of Kingdom Building.
Many blessings of thanks!
Heather Haynes,
Executive Assistant to the Bishop
Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church
Thanks be to God for YOU! Your support through your benevolence and other giving is a blessing.
Please keep Bishop Curry and the MCS staff and all congregations of the synod in your prayers as we continue to press through this new way of being.
In Christ, Heather Haynes (Executive Assistant to the Bishop)
New to Redeemer's? Here are some common questions
You’ll find everything from jeans to casual clothes to business suits at our worship experiences. At Redeener's, we don't care about what you look like or what you wear. We want you to be comfortable.
If you are visiting us for the first time, we will not ask you to stand up or ask you to give money. Many people want to check out a church and “be anonymous” for a while. That's ok by us!
It can be a intimidating visiting a church for the first time. So we will do our best to welcome you. We are dedicated to making sure you feel right at home. We'll answer any questions you have and make sure you get a hot cup of coffee and know exactly where to go.
When you get here, just head straight upstairs (or take the elevator) to our narthex to sign in! Your family is in good hands!
Giving is entirely up to you. If this is your first visit, we don't want you to feel any obligation to give. You are our honored guest. Also, if you start attending regularly, you'll only be expected to give what you feel you should.