Special Announcements

Redeemer’s family

              May this letter find us all healthy and spirit filled.  I know we are looking forward to summer and spending some outdoor time with families and friends.  It’s a wonderful time of year to be closer to mother nature in all her beauty and sunshine.

From Our President.jpg              As we venture into the coming months I’d like to remind everyone that the first Sundays of the months (June, July, August, September, and possibly October), we will be worshipping outdoors in the garden.  Another reminder I want to mention is that with vacations and family gatherings we sometimes miss the opportunities to worship each week.  If you can plan ahead for these occasions, it is very important to our budget that we keep up with our weekly giving.  We have been doing very well with our new budget since we started this year.  Let’s keep the momentum! May God continue to bless our congregation and the outreach we do in our community. Many thanks to all for your commitments to our financial well-being!

              The Little Pantry is always in need of donations, even more so in the warmer months.  When you are able, please give as you can. Talk with Marilyn and see what her needs may be.  Let’s keep this wonderful community outreach alive and strong.  Also, thank you once again Marilyn to the start of another beautiful garden.

              In the future months we will be planning a work/ clean-up day again! More to be revealed.

           In closing have a fun and safe summer! Enjoy families, friends and God’s abundant blessings.

In His service, 




              In February, I was approached by the Director of a homeless shelter agency and the Mayor of a local village. They wanted me to help them startup a shelter, a shelter for refugees. The facility would be in Ford Heights and the agency was Beds+Care.

              We found a place and started getting a crew together to staff the facility. We also had to make the facility which hasn’t been used in several years between plumbing, lighting, fire safety and a commercially viable working kitchen we had our work cut out for us.  In late April we started getting our first group of refugees, they were from Venezuela, and Columbia. Our participants had walked the 3000 mile from Venezuela to the US border. They had been shipped to Chicago and approximately 300 plus were sleeping in an unused warehouse on the near North side of Chicago.

              We were recruiting appropriate candidates from that 300 to be participants in our 90 day program.

              Our program was an opportunity to learn English, job training and to obtain a job. Once employed we would assist them to get them a small apartment. None of them spoke English.  They were very excited about the opportunities that we had and when classes started for our first 30 individuals.  Every person there went to the ESL classes and the job training.  The way the program worked; they had 90 days to accomplish these goals.  They were not required to pursue these goals but if at the end of the 90-day program and they were not employed they would be out of the program and out on the street.

              So, for me it was refreshing to see people enthused about the opportunities here in America and we talked about that a lot.  Too often I hear how outsiders are going to take our jobs away.  These jobs of course are minimum wage, and generally hard labor. Those jobs generally go unfilled.  So, restaurant jobs, fast food jobs, heavy industry are not what most people here aspire to. The men at the shelter had walked 3000 miles through the jungle to not take advantage of this opportunity.

              Too often we take our abundance in America for granted.  Our grocery store shelves are full, fast-food restaurants abound, and just drive along LaGrange Road in Orland and see how many restaurants there are.  Now image how much of the food that gets served gets thrown in the dumpster.  Our pantry gets excess food from another pantry that they cannot use. The other day I received a call from someone who was offering us a pallet of frozen turkeys.  We would have to go pick them up and figure out how to store them while we figured out where to distribute them.  They were coming from the South Side of Chicago.  We consume and produce more food than any other country, and yet there are “food deserts” in many places on the South side of Chicago.

              I believe that as individuals we need to connect to a variety of food banks and give food or money to help stock these food pantries.  There are several in our neighborhood.

St. Damien                 St. Christopher                        St. Stevens

Together We Cope               Greater Chicago Food Depository

To name just a few.  We have so much while others have so little.  That is just not the Christian way.

In Christ

Art James       Council Vice President

Save the Date:


  • June   2 Outdoor worship with church picnic after
  • June 16 Father's Day


  • July   4 Happy Independence Day
  • July   7 Outdoor worship


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  • June  2   Traci Stephens
  • June  5   Robert Minnick
  • June 13  Elaina Minnick
  • June 21  Bonnie Trella
  • June 21  Bob Hecht
  • June 24  Jay Kropack
  • June 26  Amanda Grossi
  • June 29  Debby Nowlan
  • June 30 Darlene Soucek

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  • June   1   Dan & Deb Frawley
  • June   5   Gary & Diana Carr
  • June  11  Jay & Dorothy Kropack
  • June  11  Art & Kathy James
  • June  23  Steve & Deb Nowlan
  • June  25  Dave & Connie Martin
  • June  30  Harold & Judy Carver


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  • June  2 In celebration of Dan & Deb’s 50th anniversary!
  • June  9  In celebration of Art & Kathy’s 1 year anniversary on June 11!
  • June 16 Jerry & Robert Marquardt in loving memory of mother & wife,
    Karen’s June 19 birthday.
  • June 22 Connie & Dave Martin in celebration of their 47th Anniversary!
  • June 30 In celebration of Bonnie Trella & Darlene’s birthday!


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  • July 11 Calvin James
  • July 13 Sherri Miller
  • July 17 Gary Schoenbeck
  • July 19 Lottie White
  • July 21 Ray Majewski
  • July 23 Carol Schaafsma

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  • July 26 Bob & Sue Hecht
  • July 31 Jim & Cathy Thrun


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  • July  7  in celebration of Calvin’s birthday on July 11!
  • July 14 The Frawleys who are lovingly remembering Frank & Shirley Outly
  • July 21 Happy heavenly birthday Norm Coyle! Love, Joan & Jennie
  • July 28 Pam & Ida Mae Walsh in celebration of Dar’s birthday!


The altar flowers are available for August 4, Sept. 22. Please consider sponsoring one of these dates. The cost is $28 for 2 beautiful bouquets. Sign up on the poster in the Narthex.

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  • June  2  Linda McHugh
  • June  9  Jerry Marquardt
  • June 16 Alec Ogarek
  • June 23 Erica Strojny
  • June 30 Dan Frawley


  • July   7 Jan Strojny
  • July 14 Tony Ogarek
  • July 21 Bob Hecht
  • July 28 Erica Strojny



Updated per newsletter.

Visit the Redeemer's Events Page for more details.


Baseball Batter_RW&B.png    So, spring has sprung and it's a new season in the city of Chicago.  It's called Construction season.  I never complained while Mick was working because it put food on our table but I feel that now that he's retired, I can cuss with the best of you.  However, I feel guilty as my son and grandson are also on the road gang improving the infrastructure of Chicago and it's outlying area.

So, I'll get off construction and focus on the real highlight of spring and summer --- CUBS baseball!!  Now, I know that there's a strong division comparable to the Senate between north siders and south siders and the one will never back down to the other.  Even in households the rivalry exists.  I grew up listening to Milo Hamilton broadcasting the Sox games unless I was at my grandfather's where the real game was on the radio with Lloyd Petitt.  Thank God, I married a Cubs fan.

And as long as I'm on the subject of baseball, could someone please explain to me how a ballplayer's saliva changes during a game?  Why must they expectorate so much?  Why not just swallow the saliva like you normally would?  I understand, in a pinch, spitting in your glove because you don't have any neatsfoot oil around for conditioning but --  come, on!  -- Yuck!  At least we don't see chewing tobacco anymore and all that brown juice dribbling down a guy's chin.  Don't see basketball players spitting or tennis players.  How about hockey players? Doubt it!

So anyone with the answer, please let me know.  You know where to find me.

Til next time ------------------ nice chatting with you                                   Jan Strojny

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  • Those who contributed to the geranium/ flower fund.
  • Nancy Ulloa for beautifying the church with flowers for Pentecost and for planting outdoors.
  • Kim Besowshek for hours of pulling weeds.
  • For our leadership team for creating, presenting, acting on our days of worship without a pastor.
  • Gary Rickert for always finding ways to fix things in & around our church

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Altar flowers: August 4, September 1, 15, & 22~ flowers are still available

Call or email the office with your request or sign the sheet in the Narthex.
The cost of the flowers is $28
for 2 beautiful bouquets.

THRIVENT MEMBERS    Please contact Deb Frawley or Marilyn Fisher to find out how you can help the Pantry and/ or church out financially!


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  • June 2 with church picnic after
  • July 7
  • August 4
  • September 1
  • October 6   weather permitting

Please continue to donate graciously!

Another Update from Marilyn to come soon.


  • SUNDAY~ AA 7pm/ NA 7pm every 4th Sunday
  • MONDAY~ AA 10:30am/ AA 7:30pm/ NA 7pm
  • WEDNESDAY ~AA 10:30am/ OA 7:30pm
  • THURSDAY ~TOPS 5:30pm/ NA 7pm
  • FRIDAY ~ CANA 2nd Friday/month
  • SATURDAY~ NA 10:00am

God's blessings on the congregation at Redeemer's, and their families throughout the summer season and throughout the rest of 2024!


If you are returning something from Amazon, you can drop it off at Staples, and they will give you a coupon for $10 off of $30. If you get the coupon, and don’t know what to buy with it, please don’t throw it away. The church office could put it to use!! Just drop it on the desk in the office. Thank you in advance for helping out!

The South Suburban Crisis Center is an ongoing project for the Women’s Group. During these trying times, women and children need help more than ever. Please keep them in your prayers.

Domestic Violence Outreach Services
(Crisis Center for South Suburbia)

  • 24-hour hotline~ 708-429-SAFE (7233)
  • Live Safe Patient Advocacy
  • Law Enforcement Victim Outreach
  • Community Education

All services are free and confidential

 Upcoming. . . 

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“Looking for Jane” by Heather Marshall

When Angela Creighton discovers a mysterious letter containing a life-shattering confession in a stack of forgotten mail, she is determined to find the intended recipient. Her search takes her back to the 1970s when a group of daring women operated an illegal underground abortion network in Toronto known only by its whispered code name: Jane...

Join us on Tuesday, June 18 , at the home of Connie Martin for discussion and refreshments


“Time’s Undoing” by Cheryl A. HaedBook Club.png

Birmingham, 1929: Robert Lee Harrington, a master carpenter, has just moved to Alabama to pursue a job opportunity, bringing along his pregnant wife and young daughter. Birmingham is in its heyday, known as the “Magic City” for its booming steel industry, and while Robert and his family find much to enjoy in the city’s busy markets and vibrant nightlife, it’s also a stronghold for the Klan. And with his beautiful, light-skinned wife and snazzy car, Robert begins to worry that he might be drawing the wrong kind of attention.

Join us Monday, July 22 at the home of Winnie French for discussion and refreshments.

Please remember to donate food, money and other resources to your local organizations who are supplying those in need.

Also, don’t forget-- to help Marilyn in supplying her pantry. Any large donations, please put in bag and leave by the back door, or contact Marilyn at 708-687-2432 and she can meet up with you. Monetary donations are always accepted and can be sent to church. If you are sending a check, please make it out to Marilyn Fisher.

Please Pray for:

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Dolores Sheputis, Shirley Aggen & family, Fern Schara, Pat Kropack, Mary O’Malley, Gus Scott, Joanne, Eddie McDermott, John, Ryder Conrad, Pete & Debbie Animagi, Carole, Bridgett Arista, Dave Murphy, Lottie White, Tom DeLeeuw, Noah Coyle, Tammy & John, Kevin, Nick, Percy, Tommie, Steve S, Theresa Bentley, Ralph,  Richard Coyle,  Trisha Williams, Lisa Byrom, Virginia Drogula, Carol Burge, Bev, Audrey, Keith Buhs, Silvia Magana, Howard Doyle, Linda McDonald, Chris McAuliff, Harold Carver, Mike; Bob Brennan; Bob Graniczny; Kris Neumann; Kristen Richardson; Kim Wisnewski; Georgia

Please inform the office for any name removals or additions. Thank you

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Our Hearts and Prayers go out to: Those grieving, especially:


The Ogarek family on the death of Robert Ogarek.

BC & Deb Cummens, Sharyn Lomax, friends & family of Bill Lomax upon his death.


May they all be comforted by the resurrection and the life yet to come.

Kind Words

Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church,

Thank you for your gift of $300 to help individuals and families escape homelessness this Spring season. As you know, we sheltered in place and followed CDC and State government guidance in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Your support helped us pivot services to keep homeless individuals and families safe at local hotels, as all congregate shelters closed, while continuing to provide essential lifesaving services. Thank You!


Rohit D’Souza,
Philanthropy Manager, PADS

I pray this letter finds you and your congregation hopeful and enjoying the waning weeks of summer during these unprecedented times.  As always, thank you for your generous support of the ELCA, the synod, and our shared ministry.  The impact that our congregations have in the world is truly amazing!  I am proud to be a part of this effort and look forward to working with all of you in finding new, faithful ways to continue this inspiring work of Kingdom Building.

Many blessings of thanks!

Heather Haynes,
Executive Assistant to the Bishop

Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church

Thanks be to God for YOU! Your support through your benevolence and other giving is a blessing.

Please keep Bishop Curry and the MCS staff and all congregations of the synod in your prayers as we continue to press through this new way of being. 

In Christ,   Heather Haynes (Executive Assistant to the Bishop)

To the Redeemer's Family!

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Winnie French


2  cans (8pks) crescent rolls

1  8-oz pkg cream cheese

1  egg separated (save white)

1  T. lemon juice

½  c. granulated sugar


Mix all ingredients, but the rolls (which are laid out as sketch below on parchment paper or greased sheet/ tray) Make 2 logs.

Use ½ filling on each log and seal ends.

Fold edges over in a crisscross pattern. Brush with egg white (or save white for after cooking for powdered sugar and/ or sprinkles). Bake for 15 min. at 350. Cool. Slice down middle and then side to side for more pieces

New to Redeemer's? Here are some common questions

You’ll find everything from jeans to casual clothes to business suits at our worship experiences. At Redeener's, we don't care about what you look like or what you wear. We want you to be comfortable.

If you are visiting us for the first time, we will not ask you to stand up or ask you to give money. Many people want to check out a church and “be anonymous” for a while. That's ok by us!

It can be a intimidating visiting a church for the first time. So we will do our best to welcome you. We are dedicated to making sure you feel right at home. We'll answer any questions you have and make sure you get a hot cup of coffee and know exactly where to go.

When you get here, just head straight upstairs (or take the elevator) to our narthex to sign in! Your family is in good hands!

Giving is entirely up to you. If this is your first visit, we don't want you to feel any obligation to give. You are our honored guest. Also, if you start attending regularly, you'll only be expected to give what you feel you should.