Special Announcements

As we come into the Advent and Christmas season, I have been thinking about how light shines in the darkness. One of my favorite Advent hymns is Christ be our Light by Bernadette Farrell. It recognizes that people in the world experience longing, hunger, loneliness and that God’s care for all us shines line in these dark places.

Longing for shelter, many are homeless. Longing for warmth, many are cold. Make us your building, sheltering others, walls made of living stone.

Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light!

Shine in your church gathered today.

Advent and Christmas is a time of hope and prayer. We actively look for ways to create community, chase away darkness and bring healing to the world.

From the Pastor.jpgWith our own eyes, we see salvation. Within our hearts, we are set free Your Word made flesh, hope of the nations Light for the world to see!

Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness Christ, be our light! Shine in your church gathered today

I would like to ask you to participate in the light of Christ shining this season through prayer.

Please pick 3 items for daily prayer during Advent:

  1. Pray for people when you buy presents for them or send them cards.
  2. Pray for 3 people on our congregational prayer list or 3 people you know in need.
  3. Pray for 3 people that are hard to love and ask God’s grace upon them.

As you pray open your heart to the light God promises and let that light flow through you. You are powerful witness of God’s transformative power. Through prayer you will love your neighbor and discover the heart of God. Let me know how it goes.

I rejoice in each of you and the gift of sharing our journey of faith together. I look forward to the completion of our Advent journey when we will gather on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of God among, to sing “Silent Night” and light the candles. It is a moment of the year that is full of grace and truth: “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness will never overcome it” ~ John 1:5

Blessed Advent and Christmas to you all,
Pastor Soren Flessen

Merry Christmas Redeemer's Family,

Holly Clove.jpgMy hope and wish for all is a blessed and safe holiday season.  May God’s light and grace be present in all our lives during these next few weeks. Let us all be present for those we love~  in mind and spirit.  Help us prepare for the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. Help us feel the joy and peace of that special night in the manger so long ago.

May God continue to surround us all with His loving and healing arms.  Warming all of us unconditionally with His love and understanding. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Notes from our President.pngThe church council greatly appreciates everyone’s support with the 2024 budget.  We should all be proud of ending the fiscal year with a balanced budget.  It has been many years since we have been able to say that.  So, thank-you one and all, it truly does take a village!

We are looking towards another great year for 2025. Let’s keep up the great work!

I hope to see many familiar faces at this year’s holiday party. Remember Sunday, December 22nd at 6pm at the home of Amy & Tony Ogarek. I always look forward to the great company along with the games that Jan always comes up with.  Not to mention great treats!  Please mark your calendars.

Also remember this is a rough time of year for many in our community.  Your donations to the pantry are dearly needed and appreciated.  We have provided a collection box for Redeemer’s pantry at the top of the stairs that identifies certain items that are in short supply.  Please help if you can.

In closing, Debby and I wish Peace and Love and a very Merry Christmas to our Redeemer’s Family. You have made our lives so blessed, we are so grateful for all of you being a part of our lives.  Be safe and God bless all of you!

In His service,

Mission and Ministry

Yesterday, Marilyn shared with us that she got such a wonderful feeling from helping strangers. Having a ministry like helping people to feed their family and themselves is not only rewarding but help to restore their dignity. It is not about making you feel better but to make those we help to feel better

My time with PADS gave me the opportunity to help strangers with shelter, food and with luck, permanent housing. Being able to see people to have their needs met is fulfilling.

Even though some people's situations may not improve dramatically, knowing that we may have one day a little easier

This is what mission is all about. Discovering the need of others and working to help meet those needs and helping them to help themselves.

Listen for your calling and find your ministry




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Save the Date:


  • December 1-22    Advent Continues
  • December     22  Christmas Party, 6pm til ? - Tony & Amy Ogarek’s home
  • December     24   Christmas Eve service at 7 pm
  • December     25   Merry Christmas! (no service)


  • January   1    Happy New Year!




  • December    2    Erin Caswick
  • December    8    Rachel DeLeeuw
  • December  11    Gary Miller
  • December  22    Art James
  • December  25    Jesus
  • December  29    Leatrice Miller

December '24.png


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Flower Bouquet.png


  • December  1 Mary Ann & Ray White wishes you Seasons Greetings!
  • December  8 Debbi Peloquin in memory of her husband, Jeff.
  • December 15 The Nowlans who are thankful for the blessings of church            family.
  • December 22 Kathy in celebration of Art James birthday!
  • December 29 In celebration of Erica Stojny’s 22nd birthday!


Sign up is closed!

Once again it is time to order your holiday Poinsettias! These are displayed in the chancel during the Christmas Eve service, and then can be brought home to decorate your home or give to others. The cost this year is $20.00 ~please put in a separate envelope with your name on it and place in the offering plate. Sign up sheets are now




  • January    1  Erica Strojny
  • January  12  Chuck Schara
  • January  15  Robert Marquardt
  • January  21  Amy Ogarek
  • January  24  Mary Ann White
    Jeff Kanack
  • January  27  Gina Graniczny
  • January  31  Jennifer Kanacki

January '25.png


  • January   24  Gary & Sherri Miller

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Flowers, Winter Lilies.jpg


  • January    3 Still available
  • January  10 Still available
  • January   17 The Frawleys in loving memory of Mandy & Cheryl D
  • January   24 Still available


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  • December   1  Gary Rickert
  • December   8  Tony Ogarek
  • December 15  Jerry Marquardt
  • December 22  Drew Ogarek
  • December 24  Tony Ogarek
  • December 29   Erica Strojny

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  • January     5   Deb Nowlan
  • January   12   Bob Hecht
  • January   19   Alec Ogarek
  • January   26   Dan Frawley

Updated per newsletter.

Visit the Redeemer's Events Page for more details.


So, it’s newsletter time and I have writer’s block. Nothing comes to mind. Nothing is bothering me that I need to rant about. But I know Deb is counting on me to take up some space, so I guess I’ll just tell you what I’m up to. There’s cards to address and gifts to buy and wrap. There’s cookies to bake and deliver. There’s decorating at home and at church, lights to string inside and out.  There’s get togethers and parties and games to invent for said parties.  There’s music to learn for worship to make Christmas Eve service very special. Phew! It’s a lot that we all have on our plates, isn’t it?  But I wouldn’t have it any other way.  So while I’m still in brain freeze mode, let me just say- Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale, Frohe Weihnachten, Feliz Natal, Vrolijk Kerstfeest, We Solych Swiat Bozego, God Jul, VeseleVanoc, Eid Milad Majia, Shengdan Kusile, Krismas Mobaarak, Felicem Nativitakem, Mele Kalikimaka, Heri Ya Krismas, Nollaig Shona, Meri Kurisumasu.

In other words, Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

Til next year, nice chatting with you.

Jan Strojny

After The Holidays:

Removing the Greens.pngWe will meet on Saturday, Dec. 28 at 9:30am, to take down the church decorations~

Blue Camels.jpg


On All Saints Day, we remember all the saints who have touched our lives and have entered eternal life this past year. 



THRIVENT MEMBERS    Please contact Deb Frawley or Marilyn Fisher to find out how you can help the Pantry and/ or church out financially!



Free Little Pantry:

Please continue to donate graciously!

Thank you to all that donated and helped make the Thanksgiving dinner giveaway so successful!

Almost 60 families received turkeys and all the trimmings to enjoy with their family. I am blessed to have the support of the church and the community.  I will now be collecting small toys, McDonald gift cards, or winter accessories for Christmas stockings. They are part of the Christmas dinner giveaway that will be held on December 21st.

For the dinners I’m looking for sliced pineapple, dinner rolls, corn muffins, fresh baby carrots, brown sugar, cookie mix, corn, and mashed potatoes or fresh potatoes.

The generous will be blessed for they share their food with the poor”~ Proverbs



God's blessings on the congregation at Redeemer's, and their families throughout the 2024 holiday season, and wishing a great & prosperous 2025!

Surround me with Your presence....jpg


Upcoming. . . 

We will be taking a break for the month of December. Enjoy reading
any good book!

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The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhom

Book Club.pngMaine, 1789: When the Kennebec River freezes, entombing a man in the ice, Martha Ballard is summoned to examine the body and determine cause of death. As a midwife and healer, she is privy to much of what goes on behind closed doors in Hallowell. Her diary is a record of every birth and death, crime and debacle that unfolds in the close-knit community. Months earlier, Martha documented the details of an alleged rape committed by two of the town’s most respected gentlemen—one of whom has now been found dead in the ice. But when a local physician undermines her conclusion, declaring the death to be an accident, Martha is forced to investigate the shocking murder on her own.

Join us at 7pm in January- date TBD, at the home of Dorothy Kropack, when we discuss this novel and enjoy conversation and refreshments!


  • SUNDAY~ AA 7pm/ NA 7pm every 4th Sunday
  • MONDAY~ AA 10:30am/ AA 7:30pm/ NA 7pm
  • WEDNESDAY ~AA 10:30am/ OA 7:30pm
  • THURSDAY ~TOPS 5:30pm/ NA 7pm
  • FRIDAY ~ CANA 2nd Friday/month
  • SATURDAY~ NA 10:00am

Thanks to our Summer Volunteers!.png

  • Dan Frawley & Gary Rickert for doing maintenance on our front entry stairs.
  • Jerry Marquardt for cleaning the carpet in the meeting room downstairs. For your floor care, upholstery, and flood clean up needs, contact Sinal’s Carpet Cleaning at 708-535-2073 and request Jerry.
  • For those who have kept up with lawn care and weeding.
  • For everyone contributing to the outdoor worship goodies.

Crisis Center:
The South Suburban Crisis Center is an ongoing project for the Women’s Group. During these trying times, women and children need help more than ever. Please keep them in your prayers.

Domestic Violence Outreach Services
(Crisis Center for South Suburbia)

  • 24-hour hotline~ 708-429-SAFE (7233)
  • Live Safe Patient Advocacy
  • Law Enforcement Victim Outreach
  • Community Education

All services are free and confidential

Please Pray for. . .


Prayer Requests.jpgFern Schara, Bob Marquardt; Pat Kropack, Lottie White, Gus Scott, Joanne, Eddie McDermott, John, Ryder Conrad, Pete & Debbie Animagi, Carole, Bridgett Arista, Dave Murphy, Tom DeLeeuw, Noah Coyle, Kevin, Nick, Percy, Tommie, Steve S, Theresa Bentley, Ralph, Richard Coyle, Trisha Williams, Virginia Drogula, Carol Burge, Bev, Audrey, Silvia Magana, Howard Doyle, Chris McAuliff, Harold Carver, Mike; Bob Brennan; Bob Graniczny; Kris Neumann; Kristen Richardson; Kim Wisnewski; Gary Miller; Russ; Amber; Tim Dragoon; Jim Mueller; Ralph Mueller; Sommer Trella; Jennifer J.; Rich Morgan; Courtney Flynn; Blake Murphy; Scott & Brandy; Betty Geneser; Barry Starkey; Steve Nowlan

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Please inform the office for any name removals or additions. Thank you

Please remember to donate food, money and other resources to your local organizations who are supplying those in need.

Also, don’t forget-- to help Marilyn in supplying her pantry. Any large donations, please put in bag and leave by the back door, or contact Marilyn at 708-687-2432 and she can meet up with you. Monetary donations are always accepted and can be sent to church. If you are sending a check, please make it out to Marilyn Fisher.

Kind Words

Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church,

Thank you for your gift of $300 to help individuals and families escape homelessness this Spring season. As you know, we sheltered in place and followed CDC and State government guidance in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Your support helped us pivot services to keep homeless individuals and families safe at local hotels, as all congregate shelters closed, while continuing to provide essential lifesaving services. Thank You!


Rohit D’Souza,
Philanthropy Manager, PADS

I pray this letter finds you and your congregation hopeful and enjoying the waning weeks of summer during these unprecedented times.  As always, thank you for your generous support of the ELCA, the synod, and our shared ministry.  The impact that our congregations have in the world is truly amazing!  I am proud to be a part of this effort and look forward to working with all of you in finding new, faithful ways to continue this inspiring work of Kingdom Building.

Many blessings of thanks!

Heather Haynes,
Executive Assistant to the Bishop

Dear Redeemer’s Lutheran Church

Thanks be to God for YOU! Your support through your benevolence and other giving is a blessing.

Please keep Bishop Curry and the MCS staff and all congregations of the synod in your prayers as we continue to press through this new way of being. 

In Christ,   Heather Haynes (Executive Assistant to the Bishop)

To the Redeemer's Family!

Festive autumn decor from pumpkins, berries and leaves. Concept of Thanksgiving day or Halloween with copy space

In the Kitchen with. . ..png

Connie Martin

Summer Berries with Mint.jpgTRIPLE BERRY CRISP


  • 1 ½ c. fresh blackberries
  • 1 ½ c. fresh raspberries
  • 1 ½ c. fresh blueberries
  • ¼ c. sugar
  • 2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 2 c. rolled oats
  • 1 ½ c. packed brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1 ½ c cold butter, cubed


  1. preheat oven to 350
  2. Gently toss together all the berries, and white sugar in a large bowl; set aside.
  3. Combine flour, oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a separate large bowl.
  4. Cut in butter with 2 knives or a pastry blender until crumble mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  5. Press ½ of the crumble into the bottom of a 9x13 inch pan.
  6. Cover with berry mixture. Sprinkle remaining crumble over berries.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven until fruit is bubbly and the top is golden brown. 30-40 minutes.
  8. Serve with whipped cream. Enjoy!
The Redeemer's website is maintained by Jerry Marquardt

New to Redeemer's? Here are some common questions

You’ll find everything from jeans to casual clothes to business suits at our worship experiences. At Redeener's, we don't care about what you look like or what you wear. We want you to be comfortable.

If you are visiting us for the first time, we will not ask you to stand up or ask you to give money. Many people want to check out a church and “be anonymous” for a while. That's ok by us!

It can be a intimidating visiting a church for the first time. So we will do our best to welcome you. We are dedicated to making sure you feel right at home. We'll answer any questions you have and make sure you get a hot cup of coffee and know exactly where to go.

When you get here, just head straight upstairs (or take the elevator) to our narthex to sign in! Your family is in good hands!

Giving is entirely up to you. If this is your first visit, we don't want you to feel any obligation to give. You are our honored guest. Also, if you start attending regularly, you'll only be expected to give what you feel you should.