Fourth Sunday of Lent

• March 14, 2021

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Redeemers Oak Forest
Redeemers Oak Forest
Fourth Sunday of Lent

By trusting what God has done, we are made alive together with Christ. The Spirit, poured out in baptism, lifts us up together with Christ into life. God loves the world and, giving us that gift of love, enables us also to love others with our good works.

Altar flowers today are given by Linda McHugh in celebration of Terry’s birthday!

Altar flowers available:April 25, May 2, 9, 16, and 23. The cost is $26 and is due 2 weeks before the chosen date. Please be specific in your dedication. You can contact the office via email, or now we will be back in church as of April 4, you can sign up on the chart in the Narthex.

All offerings for Midweek services will go to World Hunger