Healing and Hope in Jesus’ Name 5th Sunday After Epiphany

• February 7, 2021

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Redeemers Oak Forest
Redeemers Oak Forest
Healing and Hope in Jesus' Name 5th Sunday After Epiphany
We are the weak ones, sick with a fever. In the power of the Spirit, Jesus is the presence of the God who strengthens the weak. Jesus is himself the gospel given away for free. We are healed now, so that we — like Peter’s mother-in-law — may rise to serve others.
The flowers today are given by the Nowlans for blessings received!
We would  like to include any prayer requests you have, so please contact me via email, or leave a message at church.
We are in need of people signing up for altar flowers for 2021. Please send me an email or leave a message at church with dates you are interested in. I will get back to you with a confirmation or alternate available dates. Thank you.
If you have not picked up your giving envelopes, please call the church before stopping by to make sure someone will be there to get them for you.